Terms of use of this website

By using this website you agree to these terms and conditions and the privacy policy. You acknowledge the products and services of Altruism Media Production, LLC are of their intellectual property rights and copyright protected by  law.  You agree not to make copies or distribute their products for any reasons. You  also agree not to share any confidential information given to you.

By registering an account with us, this helps you to watch our films online by going to the links on the website after donation. You also can use the email link sent to you which has the authorization code to watch the film. Your free account also helps with the order process and allows you to see your orders under My Account.

We also will keep you informed as an honored patron of our future activities and you allow us to contact you my email as to our future products and campaigns. You may notify us by email if you desire not to be contacted.

To avoid your own email spam filters, if you are doing a password reset, try and wait 10 minutes before trying again or check your spam filter. Emails today are very sensitive to multiple emails from the same person or company and end up blocking it as it ends up in spam folders if too many  emails are sent within a short amount of time.

Donations requested are NOT tax deductible but greatly appreciated to help us continue to produce great films and TV shows. We thank you for your support.